psychology and ux

5 easy steps of doing competitive analysis

As a UX designer, I want to fall in love with the problem, not the solution. I always start by defining the problem and create a competitive analysis to make sure that I am solving the right problem in the right landscape.

Would like to share a few tips today. Have you ever done a competitive analysis?


A competitive analysis is the process of categorizing and evaluating your competitors to understand their strenghts and weaknesses in comparison to your own.

1. Understand your goals

Why are you doing this competitor analysis? What do you hope to achieve? Will this research impact UX decisions? Your goals should ideally be as specific as possible.

2. Identify your competitor

There isn’t just one type of competitor out there. There are direct and indirect competitors ( also known as primary and secondary respectively)

3. Look for commonalities among competitors

  • The tone & copy
  • Good & bad features
  • User reviews
  • Wait/load times
  • Customer service
  • Design

4. Analyze and summarise

When analysing your UX research, create a small summary of what you have found out as well as what impact the information will have. This stage is perfect for identifying design opportunities.

5. Present your UX competitor analysis

After you have compiled your research, analysed it and synthesised the information into actionable insights, it is time to prepare a presentation of your findings for clients or stakeholders